Tuesday, June 2, 2015

More Reasons to Amend our High Desert Soils

Improving the health of your soil will improve the hydrological functions of the soil. Many look to the sky for drought relief, but gardeners know the answer is in the soil. And for good reason. Healthy soils can capture and store more water. Once the heat of our summer arrives this stored water will come in handy.
Here is the secret to healthy soils that can hold on to water longer, organic matter. 
Organic matter causes soil to form stable soils aggregates, also known as crumbs. The better soil structure, infiltrations of water into the soil will improve. This allows the entire soil profile to take in and hold more water. Healthy soils can act like a sponge, with the ability to absorb and hold much of its volume in water. 
Healthy soils have earthworms, arthropods and decaying roots that create macro-pores which water can flow to, then stored for later use. Bacteria, fungi and other soil life build and stabilize smaller or micro-pores that further increase the soil's water holding capacity.
Old school gardening practices of tilling and plowing have shown they can reduce the soils ability to receive and hold water over time. When working last seasons garden simply cover the area with mulch or amendments, fold in and plant.This along with crop rotation and using cover crops will build organic matter and sequestering more carbon in their soils. This improves its ability to take in and hold water.
Here are some products that I have used and feel strongly they will improve your soil profile too.

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