Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Feeding Indoor Plants in the Winter

Now that I have moved my two house plants inside for the winter making sure they get proper water and nutrients can be an  issue. It is so much easier to feed and water outside because you can let the water leak out the bottom, I don't want that to happen in my house.
I have been using ice cubes to water my indoor plants for years, but have a new strategy to feed them at the same time.
Here's how.

Steamed vegetables leave a lot of nutrients and vitamins in the water that are often poured down the drain, plants benefit from these nutrients. I seem to steam more at this time of the year and can't use it fast enough so I am now freezing it.

You can see that the color is yellow, so mixing them up from regular ice cubes is pretty hard.

The great news is that not only can you use these ice cubes on your
plants every 4 to 6 weeks they will also add flavor and nutrients to your soups and stews.
Don't forget your winter containers like this kale I have at my door way. Water and nutrients will keep them looking good all winter.

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