Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Watering in the hottest weather

June has just arrived and we are already expecting 100° temperatures this week, it is a bit early for this to be sure. Let’s make sure we are all clear on how to water in the high desert. Make sure you continue to water regularly, and help your plants with extra water as needed. Water you lawns in the early morning, check emitters (hope you aren’t tired of hearing that), walk your gardens and landscape checking to see if you have stressed plants.

Here is a photo of my lilac that has a ‘flagged’ leaf; it is folded like a taco shell. The leaf will do this in the cool evening and that is normal. But if you should see this during the day the plant needs to be hydrated. 

The plant does this to protect itself from the sun. This is when a quick drench with your hose is very effective.

If you plants are dropsy, same thing get them some water. It is important to know newly planted items will droop more quickly than established plants.

There are 3 ways to get more water to plants, here they are.

Hand watering: You are allowed and should be done in the early morning, or late afternoon when is cools down. Containers and edibles will benefit nicely.

Adding emitters: As you shrubs and trees grow you will want to add emitters. I recommend that when planting any tree or shrub that is in a 5 gallon or larger gets 4 emitters. Place in the clock positions, 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock. The root ball is round and so should the watering.  

Changing your system: If you see that your plants are struggling regularly you can change your system to either add time or add another day to your program; you can always change it back. I am changing my system as needed during the season, welcome to the high desert! 

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