Friday, May 17, 2013

Seed Starting

Next week I will be hosting the Reno New Comers Garden Club for there May meeting on  edibles. On of the things I plan on covering is seed starting. The reason gardeners use seeds is because they are less expensive than start plants and the variety of plants is amazing. I met the owner of Botanical Interest seed company years ago and am pleased to have his support for my blog and I can attest to the great product he provides to gardeners. Have a look at his website to get inspired.
Key points to seed starting:
1. Plant seeds in loosened soil that has been amended with organic compost and drains well.
2. Follow the package directions for planting depth and spacing, don't crowd your carrots and other root crops it is a pain to thin them out and they need room to grow.
3. Watering is key, I mean key to germination. Once the seed shell softens and starts to open a tiny white colored plant starts to push through the soil. It must not dry out, you may have to water more than once a day depending on the weather. Once out of the ground and has multi leaves all is well, you have a plant!
You will often read in my blog how important correct watering is here in our beloved high desert. This could not be more true with seed starting.
So get out there and try seeding something. I planted sunflower seeds that were 3 years in the pack and they are all doing great, these were from Botanical Interest, but if seeds are stored in a cool dry spot they will remain viable for years.
Let me know if you have any questions with seeding, it is a topic with many faces.
Happy gardening and seed starting.

1 comment:

  1. Christine, I would bet it is the watering issue. Make sure if you try to be home and keep the ground moist, not flooded, but moist. Also, check the pack for how many days to germinate this way you will know if you have been successful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
    Hope you give it a try, and good luck.
