Saturday, May 23, 2015

Weather in the High Desert, Friend or Foe

I was visiting with my sister when she told me her carrots seedlings were dead. What I got out of her is that they had emerged, but were not growing. I told her that it is due to the weather, we have had a lot of rain for a high desert, but we have enough sun to keep them growing. Plants are very dependent on weather to grow. If they are not getting enough sun there is no photosynthesis, with out this they don't make root leading to growing plants. I told her to be patient, once we get through this unsettled weather pattern they will spring into growing action from the warm sunny days. 

So the question is do you think that our high desert weather could be a friend or foe, especially in the spring. It can be so discouraging to say the least, especially this year. The past 3 years of mild winters and drought like conditions have extended our growing season, that is with help from your covering and uncovering your tender plants.

No doubt that gardening in the high desert of Northern Nevada has challenges, but aren't they worth.

Enjoy your weekend
Marnie GardenCoach, Reno

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