Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Early Summer Iris Care

I hate to think that they are done blooming, but my Iris are all done for this year. Now they are ready to deadhead. Deadheading is a great way to get some perennials to bloom again, unfortunately not Iris. Deadheading is a way to keep the plant from going to seed, and that is why I do this. Plants that are allowed to go to seed use an amazing amount of energy, energy I would rather they use to make more tubers.
I will now water about once a week, just to keep the tuber comfortable. More Iris care later in the summer.

The perfect cut
This photo shows the stem with a seed starting to form, note where my shears are, under all of the blooms.

Below are my before and after photos.

Before deadheading  

                                    After deadheading
Hope this helps you with your Iris care. Send a note if you have any questions.


  1. Marnie, I finally got iris blooms this year and loved seeing them. Thanks for the deadheading info, I was wondering about that.....also how much water do they require during the year, before and during blooming? I want to plant more as they are a hardy and that is best for my neglect. Christine

  2. Hello Christine, Thanks for your note and I am happy to hear you have blooms. As far as watering I will be watering once a week during the heat of the summer, as the days get shorter and cooler in September maybe once a week. I let the leaves dry out and leave until early spring when I cut them back and give the bed a healthy dose of worm castings. Hope this helps. Marnie
